42 Cleveden Road, Glasgow G12 0JW

0141 582 0060

Cleveden Secondary School


S4 - S6 Modern Languages Curriculum

S4 Curriculum


  • In S4, the time allocation for Modern Languages is 4 periods per week.
  • Young people will learn in a National 4/National 5 class.
  • All young people, no matter what level they will sit, will complete a common course following the same topic areas within the 4 contexts of Society, Culture, Learning and Employability.  This will allow movement between levels as the course progresses.
  • The new S4 national 4 and 5 course has been written to ensure it covers all the topic areas set out in the SQA course outline.
  • Our aim is for all learners to achieve the best level in French / Spanish of which they are capable. 
  • To allow for flexibility no final decision will be taken about levels until after Christmas in S4.
  • All decisions about what level young people sit will be based on assessment results from S4.


S5/6 Curriculum


  • In S5 and S6, the time allocation for Modern Languages is 6 periods per week.
  • All young people who pass National 5 will be able to sit Higher and all those who pass National 4 will be able to sit National 5 in S5 and then Higher in S6.
  • There will be an opportunity for learners to again pick up a second language with Spanish as well as French being available. We sometimes offer German in S6 where possible.
  • Advanced Higher courses are available based on demand.
  • Learners are encouraged to develop their listening and talking, reading and writing skills, through the coverage of the themes and/or topics which feature in the Higher, National 5 or National 4 courses. Grammar revision and development is also taught and a variety of assessment methods are used: formal and informal, formative and summative.
  • As well as some UASP materials, young people complete regular tests on aspects of the work studied, which help gauge progress against expected achievement in National Qualifications.