42 Cleveden Road, Glasgow G12 0JW

0141 582 0060

Cleveden Secondary School


Modern Languages


Staff assigned to the Faculty of Modern Languages:

Teacher Position Subject(s)
Ms M Mulligan Faculty Head Spanish & French
Mrs A Bradley Teacher Spanish & French
Ms L Davidson Teacher Spanish & French
Mr W Floyd Teacher  Spanish & French

Language Ambassadors

We have approx. 16 Language Ambassadors from all year groups and off course our Language Captain in S6. These pupils often attend Transition events with us and help organise and lead language related activities throughout the year.



S1 - S3 (BGE) Curriculum

● S1-S3 pupils study a Modern Language three periods per week.

● S1 and S2 pupils study French as their main Foreign Language and experience Spanish 'Taster Sessions' throughout the year.

● S3 pupils can make a choice to study French, Spanish or both languages.



S4 - S6 (Senior Phase) Curriculum

● S4 pupils study National 4 or National 5 French or Spanish four periods per week.

● S5/S6 pupils study a language at National 5 or Higher six periods a week.

● There is also a chance to study parts of the Modern Languages for Life and Work levels 5 and 6 Award.


● We also offer an Award as part of our International Tourism course, working alongside the Travel and Tourism SQA course.

● The Modern Languages department is also involved in the S6 Leadership course as we offer The Saltire Award as part of this.

Digital links:


1. Language Nut - https://www.languagenut.com/en-gb/

Please ask your teacher for your log-in details


2. Quizlet - Digital Flashcards & Revision Cards for Students | Quizlet

Sign up with own details and search for language topic to revise


3. Memrise - https://community-courses.memrise.com/groups/

Sign up with own details and search for language topic to revise


4. Wordwall - https://wordwall.net/

Ask your teacher for link or sign up with own details and search for language topic to revise


5. Linguascope - https://www.linguascope.com/

Username - cleveden

Password - clevedenlangs1