42 Cleveden Road, Glasgow G12 0JW

0141 582 0060

Cleveden Secondary School


Cleveden Secondary Parent council


Follow us on twitter : @ClevedenC

Contact us at: clevedensecondarypc@hotmail.co.uk

The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 makes provision for the involvement of parents and carers in their children's      education and school.

It established a Parent Council in each school composed of parents/carers with the Head Teacher as advisor and co-opted members to add breadth of expertise. We are all just parents like you and the only qualification you need is an interest in your child's education. We welcome anyone from Cleveden's wide and varied school community.

The Parent Council has duties, rights and responsibilities in relation to the management of the school including:

  • Consulting with, and reporting to parents and carers
  • Putting the views of parents/carers to the school
  • Encouraging the development of links between schools and parents/carers
  • Taking part in the selection of senior promoted teachers
  • Receiving reports from the head teacher and education authority
  • Having power to raise funds and spend these for the benefit of the school

 The current officers are: 


Alisdair Matheson

Vice Chair:





Norman MacLennan


Forthcoming meetings:

Meetings were held virtually due to the pandemic but last session we reverted back to to in person meetings.  If you would prefer online meetings to continue, email at:

clevedensecondarypc@hotmail.co.uk with your thoughts.

We're always delighted to receive your suggestions, comments and concerns to add to the agenda but please remember we can only deal with issues of general concern, not individual cases.



6th June 2022

3rd October 2022

1st November 2022 (Kirklee Pitches)

7th November 2022

6th December 2022 (AGM)

6th February 2023

6th March 2023



Next Parent Council will be in the new session (September 24) in Cleveden Secondary School.

Parent Council Meeting Dates 2023/24:

Meeting 1 Monday 4th Sept. 2023 18:30 - 19:30
Meeting 2 Monday 2nd Oct. 2023 18:30 - 19:30
Meeting 3 (AGM) Monday 13th Nov. 2023 18:30 - 19:30
Meeting 4 Monday 4th Dec. 2023 18:30 - 19:30
Meeting 5 Monday 5th Feb. 2024 18:30 - 19:30
Meeting 6 Monday 4th Mar. 2024 18:30 - 19:30
Meeting 7 Monday 13th May 2024 18:30 - 19:30