42 Cleveden Road, Glasgow G12 0JW

0141 582 0060

Cleveden Secondary School


Maths 2



Senior Phase College Programme

The prospectus for the Senior Phase College programme is now available (2022/23).  Please search under 'Curriculum' above to find an electronic version and information for interested S4/5 pupils.

Clothing Grants

If you received a grant last year you do not need to apply this year, we will pay you automatically in early July. You must however let us know now if your circumstances have changed such as your bank details or address. Visit the website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/schoolsandlearning to complete an online enquiry form.

If you are a new applicant, forms will be available on our website mid-July, once the automatic payments have been made.

For S5 or S6 pupils (aged 16+), grants are paid after pupils have returned to school


P7 Transition Information  

Our prospective parents and carers of our new First Year pupils will not experienced our transition in the way we would have hoped. 

We have put together a virtual tour to allow you to see the school facilities and key members of staff.

The tour can be viewed here

Please also visit our dedicated P7 Transition Page

NHS Information

The most informative and update to date information and guidance around Covid 19 can be found here:


Glasgow City Council Information:

Glasgow City Council’s website page  will be updated with the most current information and developments – https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/coronavirus


Our School

Following the closure pupils and parents can access information in the following way;

  • Our Twitter feed https://twitter.com/ClevedenSec42 will regularly update on information.
  • Departments have set up Teams for all classes S1-S6. This will allow access to teaching resources through Glow and teacher directed website information. 
  • Option process for session 2021-2022 will begin shortly. Pupils should be engaging in remote learning and levels of progress is be reviewed weekly to help identify where we need to further support pupils.
  •  If you require a password reset for Glow please email Ms Nicolson or Mr Steenson

Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance

The school has achieved the Silver Award of the LGBT Schools Charter. The Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance (GSA) has made great progress working towards the award.




Follow us at Twitter at @clevedensec42